As the global pandemic continues to affect various regions across the globe, AMSA International will now relaunch AMSEP-Elective in July 2021. Till then, AMSEP International will continue to work on restructuring AMSEP-Elective and shall return better in July when the world is healthier.
Thank you and take care.
AMSEP-Elective, Empowering Future Doctors
Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme – Elective (AMSEP-Elective)
Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme (AMSEP) International boasts as an active branch of Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) International since her establishment in 2003. Since then, fond memories are consistently made, as multiple exchange programmes take place between AMSA chapters. 2020 marks a historical year for AMSEP as she ventures beyond her original scope, with the launching of a subsidiary under her – Elective. AMSEP-Elective provides AMSA members a platform for unilateral and individual participation in elective postings, with a unique hosting and delegating system similar to the original AMSEP. AMSEP-Elective was established with the proposal and support of the AMSEP International Committee, with gratitude to AMSA International. The liberty and uniqueness that AMSEP-Elective offers are unlike any other elective programme. It will unequivocally be fruitful and rewarding.

Senior Elective Chapters:
Junior Elective Chapters:
Hong Kong
Northern Ireland
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1) I am just a preclinical medical student. Can I apply for AMSEP-Elective?
Yes, the programme’s selection prefers clinical medical students. However, most medical schools / hospitals only allow preclinical medical students to be part of a research or attached to any preclinical departments, and not clinical attachments.
2) I do not possess any English proficiency qualification. Is this really a must?
Yes and no. Some Asian chapters (not all) would practise English as the mother tongue. In such cases, English proficiency qualifications are required. We do highly encourage you to have one just in case.
3) Are there specific dates for us to have our AMSEP-Elective?
No. The chapters participating in AMSEP-Elective are expected to be available for the period of elective hosting; July-September for Summer Elective, and November-January for Winter Elective. We suggest you to provide a range of dates to ease the hosting to arrange your AMSEP-Elective.
4) What does it mean by supporting documents from the dean and academic office respectively?
The supporting document from the dean is similar to a recommendation letter written at your faculty level, by your acting dean.
The supporting document from the academic office serves as a cover letter or documentation that proves your student identity as a student under the medical institute you attend.
5) I have graduated from medical school. Can I apply for AMSEP-Elective?
You can only apply if you are a registered student, attending a medical institute of an AMSA chapter; may you be undertaking a degree, masters or PHD.
6) The elective fee is denoted as compulsory. How would I know how much will it cost as the delegation period is way after the application period?
We suggest you to prepare a minimum of USD300. Have it ready with you, so you will be all set for the financial cost that you will have to bear for the AMSEP-Elective that you have applied for.